Monday, February 20, 2012

Easier, Better Applesauce

One day I walked into my parent's house and the sweet, cinnamon-y aroma of apple pie surrounded me.

Woohoo! I'm gettin' pie!

OK, so I was disappointed when there was no pie, but I was delighted to realize how easy it is to make the most delicious applesauce on the planet. 

Applesauce has never really been a staple in our house. I mean there is usually a jar of it in the fridge, but it usually ends up being thrown out before we can finish is. I think my issue is the texture. I'd rather have something heartier, something more filling, something I can chew.

If you've never made applesauce before, you're in for a treat. A delightfully easy, ridiculously delicious, (SURPRISE!) healthy treat.


All you do is chop apples, throw in some cinnamon, add your *looks around suspiciously* secret ingredient, and put it all in a crock pot. 

Start with a butt load of apples. There's probably about 5 pounds here, but I usually make about 3 batches at a time. My crock pot will hold about 1.5 lbs of apples. There really isn't a set amount, just use up the apples you have or the amount you'd like. I bought several bags of small apples from the grocery store - it was the most cost efficient option.

Start by chop, chop, chopping all the apples. There are a couple keys to awesome applesauce (and pie for that matter). First, is to use different kinds of apples. 

~ Green will give a tartness ~
~ Macintosh will bake down and add moisture ~
~ Red delicious won't back down as much and will give a little texture ~
~ Golden will add sweetness ~
~ and Honeycrisp because they are just awesome ~

I chose to leave the skin on for added heartiness and health benefits (fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, Google tells me that "Quercitin" is good for me and that it's in there too), but it's really personal preference. If you don't like the skin, peel the apples. 

You don't need to be precise here either, just chop 'em up and put them in the pot.

Add your *secret ingredients* 

These would be cinnamon and maple extract (available at Target or King Arthur Flour). Didn't measure, but it was about 2 Tablespoons of cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of extract.

Set crock pot on low for 5-6 hrs or high for 2-3 hrs, stir occasionally, and eventually the apples will break down and look like apple pie in a bowl.

At this point, I usually use a potato masher and mash them up a bit. It doesn't take much effort. The apples are very soft. 

The giant bowl of apples in the first photo will probably make about 3 batches. I'll have two crock pots going and another batch on the stove. For making on the stove, everything is the same, just low heat for about an hour, stirring occasionally. 

Let it cool and enjoy! The applesauce also freezes wonderfully. That's why I can make 3 batches at time :). Just put in a freezer bag and defrost when ready to eat.

Ingredients (per batch)
~1.5 lbs of various apples (macintosh, red delicious, golden delicious, green, jazz, etc)
2 T cinnamon
2 t maple extract 
  1. Core and cut up apples (with or without peel - it's up to you)
  2. Add all ingredients to crock pot
  3. Cook 5-6 hrs on low or 3-4 hrs on high
  4. Mash with potato masher
  5. Cool and serve, or freeze. Makes about 6 cups.

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